Links to Other Churches
Recorded sermons will be put on hold for the time being as council decides the next steps. In the meantime, please go to one (or more) of the following links […]
Recorded sermons will be put on hold for the time being as council decides the next steps. In the meantime, please go to one (or more) of the following links […]
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Good morning everyone. Here is the video of todays service as well as some music videos to listen to. Hope you enjoy it! Songs Praise You in this Storm […]
Good morning everyone! Today instead of an audio sermon I have uploaded my sermon on to YouTube for everyone to watch. I hope you enjoy and are fed by it. […]
Hey everyone, I was really hoping to be able to load a video sermon this week, but unfortunately I had technical difficulties. Next week though, for sure! How Great Thou […]
Hey everyone! This week we have something special for you! The Gems Team has put together an online Gems Sunday Service. It is available as a YouTube playlist and can […]
Happy Mothers Day! Make sure to take some time to let your mother know that you appreciate her today. Together Because He Lives Greater Through All of […]
Good morning everyone, here is the sermon for May 3. I pray that it helps us all look for the good in our lives. God Bless Great is Thy Faithfulness […]
Hey everyone here is the sermon for this week and the videos. Stay Safe! How Great Thou Art Praise You in This Storm Abide with Me 10,000 […]
Hey everyone, Here is the sermon for today and some great music videos to watch. Stay safe! Be Thou My Vision It Is Well Blessings One Day […]